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United Nation Inter-Governmental Organization

United Nation Inter-Governmental Organization (UN IGO) has been established to form an Inter-Governmental Organization chain of command by the agreed signed treaty between Governments of state and Governments of Royal Monarchies. Having Government Registration Number: 4621805 under the Government of California, United States of America, the organization has already signed treaty with various Governments to take part in United Nations Community for their new path towards greater good to humanity and human development. The Purpose of the organization well explained by understanding their five different Part Organization; International Police Forum Inter-Governmental Organization Corporation (IPF IGO C), International Special Court of Arbitration and Human Rights (ISCAHR), International Open University of Humanity Health Science and Peace (IOUHHSP) and Globe Eagle University (GEU). The International Police Forum Inter-Governmental Organization Corporation (IPF IGO C) has been established to maintain Peace between Member Governments of State and between member Governments of Royal Monarchies. Criminal Activities may involve and may lead to disputes or even cold war between Governments of States and Governments of Royal Monarchies. Criminal Activities lead to disturbance among society and having various chain of command or centers to form Anti-Social elements in society and various Criminal activities are directly or indirectly linked with Narcoterrorism and Terrorism activities. So that to maintain Peace and for Peace building we need fight against Criminal activities those can affect the International relations between Governments and due to the lack of Intensive support and having only few supporting Network of Communication in fighting against Criminal activities as joining hands with Governments Police agencies for the International Law Enforcement Operations, the United Nation Inter-Governmental Organization has been planned to form an International Law Enforcement Communication Network and on 2021 International Police Forum Inter-Governmental Organization Corporation has been established and at present the organization has already signed the treaty of acceptance with various Governments and the treaty of membership & acceptance with various International Organizations. International Police Forum Inter-Governmental Organization Corporation is registered under the Government of California, United States of America having registered Number: 4770795 is the part Inter-Governmental Organization of United Nation Inter-Governmental Organization (Government Registered Number: 4621805 registered under the Government of California, United States of America). The Inter-Governmental Organization has been already signed the Treaty of Acceptance that the organization has no objection and is solely interested to take part in United Nations Community and already accepted the Resolutions of the United Nations, Charter of the United Nations, Conventions: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2015), United Nations Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), United Nations Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961), United Nations Vienna Convention on Laws of Treaties (1969), United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) etc., together we had signed the Treaty of acceptance to do perform this respective new path for greater good to humanity and human development join hands to participate in United Nations Community for the promotion of Humanitarian Services, Humanitarian Assistance, Human Rights Protection, Peace Building; resolving disputes between government of States and Royal Monarchy Governments, Controlling Crime; resolving Criminal activities related to Transnational Organized Crime, Narcotics, Maritime Safety, and Environmental Protection within the limits of Laws existing in different countries. The Organization has also signed the Treaty of acceptance regarding Education and Training; United Nations Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities and its optional protocol (A/ RES/ 61/ 106) was adopted on 13th December 2006 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and by accepting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities and its optional protocol 2006, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention against discrimination in education 1962, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990) and United Nations declaration on Human Rights Education and Training (2011) etc. together we had signed the treaty of acceptance to do perform another path towards greater good humanity and human development by promoting education, training, research and human rights protection, women rights protection, child rights protection and also we had collected various Non for Profit Organization, Non-Governmental Organization, Private or Professional Organization with proper governmental registration and with proper work profile so that to collect the Certified Trainers, Retired Experienced Trainer Personnel’s, Security Training Experts, Israeli Krav Maga Experts, United States Combative Experts, Hand to Hand Combat Experts, Filipino Combat Experts etc. to do perform Combat and Scientific research so that to deliver best innovative tactical training to this modern world Police Officials by visiting their Academic and Training Centers or Institute or Colleges or Universities. The Organization has two Divisional aspect; Firstly, It has to deal with Inter-Governmental Chain of Command for this we have INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMAND DIVISION and to deal with International Organization and Volunteer Chain of Command we have INTER-VOLUNTEER COMMAND DIVISION. For International Volunteer Operations we have Colonels in all over Province or States and Lieutenant Colonel in all over Cities in our Member National Volunteers Bureau those having our Representative National Regional Volunteer Offices and for Inter-Governmental Operations we have Governments who had already signed Treaties with our Inter-Governmental Organization for greater good to humanity and human development and for the promotion of Humanitarian Services, Humanitarian Assistance, Human Rights Protection, Peace Building; resolving disputes between government of States and Royal Monarchy Governments, Controlling Crime; resolving Criminal activities related to Transnational Organized Crime, Narcotics, Maritime Safety, and Environmental Protection within the limits of Laws existing in different countries. Join with us to serve the society worldwide by providing cooperation for this new path towards greater good to humanity and human development. International Special Court of Arbitration and Human Rights (ISCAHR) has been already taken its shape as an Inter-Governmental Court for doing Judiciary related operations so that to perform supportive Inter-Governmental Court assisting International Court of Justice (ICJ) and International Criminal Court (ICC). The ISCAHR Inter-Governmental Court do perform its functions as supportive Legal Court for the International Police Forum Inter-Governmental Organization Corporation (IPF IGO C). The International Open University of Humanity Health Science and Peace (IOUHHSP) has been established to act as supportive University to assist United Nation Inter-Governmental Organization (UN IGO) for providing Online, Open & Distance Education for the development of humanity, International relations, Safety and Security. The Globe Eagle University (GEU) will do perform its function as Residential University in the near future. The United Nation Inter-Governmental Organization (UN IGO) has taken various initiatives for the betterment of society. We will take various other important steps to do perform our job as an Inter-Governmental Organization.